Sponsorship Packages
Sequoia Sponsor - $3,000
Sponsorship benefits include:
Eight tickets to Cool Jazz
Full-page ad in the Cool Jazz event program
Your advertising banner facing north or south on Metacom Avenue on the Farms property for six months of your choice; includes complimentary design and printing of banner
One night free stay at the Farm’s Governor Bradford House in the King Philip Suite
Advertisement in the Farm’s two newsletters reaching 3,000+ subscribers
Sponsorship acknowledgment on our Cool Jazz website page and on social media platforms
Copper Beech Sponsor - $2,000
Sponsorship benefits include:
Six tickets to Cool Jazz
Half-page ad in the Cool Jazz event program
Sponsorship acknowledgement on our Cool Jazz website page, social media platforms and to our newsletter base of over 3,000 subscribers
Japanese Maple Sponsor - $1,000
Sponsorship benefits include:
Four tickets to Cool Jazz
Quarter-page ad in the Cool Jazz event program
Sponsorship acknowledgement on our Cool Jazz website page, social media platforms and to our newsletter base of over 3,000 subscribers
Dogwood Sponsor - $500
Sponsorship benefits include:
Two tickets to Cool Jazz
Sponsorship listing in the Cool Jazz event program
Sponsorship acknowledgement on our Cool Jazz website page, social media platforms and to our newsletter base of over 3,000 subscribers