Getting Our Hands Dirty
Did you know that Mount Hope Farm grows and donates thousands of pounds of produce to the East Bay Food Pantry every year?
Our 900-square-foot Growing 4 Good Garden was built in 2015 through a partnership with the Master Gardeners of the University of Rhode Island. The goals were to develop a demonstration site for productive raised bed planting methods and to create meaningful work and volunteer opportunities for developmentally challenged adults.
We’re particularly proud that the produce grown here feeds the hungry in our community.
We hope that while you are at the Farm you take a walk through the garden to explore. In the early spring, we focus mainly on cool-weather crops such as lettuce, kale, and spinach. All of these get harvested in May or June, and then starts the process of seeding the soil once again so that we can prepare for summer and fall harvests. Summers yield crops like tomatoes, green beans, sweet peas and watermelons, while in fall we harvest turnips, squash and other autumn plants.
We also grow many flowers and perennial plants here and in the Bradford House gardens. We are particularly focused on native perennials such as white turtlehead, butterfly milkweed, black-eyed Susan, bee balm and many, many more. You’ll also see honeysuckle vine and shrubs such as summer sweet and ninebark.
If you love gardening, we invite you to help us out with maintaining the gardens. Click here for our volunteer interest form and we’ll be in touch.
You can learn more about the URI Master Gardener Program here.